So I’m sitting at work…

So I’m sitting at work and a co-worker asks me if I like short films and am I a zombie fan. To that I said um… yeah! And then he sends me a link to watch “Zombie in a Penguin Suit”.

First off I laugh at the title.

Second I think to myself, “Why haven’t I seen this yet?”

Third, I watched the film.

I have to say that I was not prepared for that. With that title I really did expect it to be funny but it was touching. The juxtaposition between the action and the music hit the right chord. It managed to somehow make you feel without being cheesy or try-hard. And the home video was just… the perfect finale. And for a short, independent film like that it had pretty good make-up, effects, and production value. It gets a thumbs up from me.


About the Author




The book was better.
What’s black white & red all over?

Zombie movies make me hungry. Where is the chilled monkey brains?


‘Zombie in a Penguin Suit’ is based on the short story ‘What’s Black and White and Red All Over?’ written by Hugo Garza.

Sorry about that though. I shouldn’t write posts right after Carnival because things are still a bit wonky on Ash Wednesday.


Oh see that makes so much more sense even though I highly doubt you read the story. Now I have to go and track it down…with a shotgun.


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