Posts Categorized: Education


Topic 1: Misconceptions – Avoid the trap. Misconceptions occur when the other party in the relationship is unclear as to what their partner is saying. So the first step would be to say what you mean and do what you say. Easier said… …more

I got a few minutes

So I am writing this while I am on vacation. Why? Because I didn’t get the last 2 posts I wanted to before I left. I was just busy getting ready for my trip both at home and at work. At home I had to shop, clean, and pack. You would think that wouldn’t… …more

10 Provinces, 3 Territories

I know I should have posted this yesterday but I was really busy doing a whole lot of nothing. I mean what are you supposed to do with a holiday in the middle of the week? You can’t go nuts cuz you won’t have a day to recoup and nothing was open. I really shouldn’t… […]

Long Weekend

  I almost forgot to write a post today cuz it is a holiday. When I am home all these things that help me keep a schedule just fall to the waist side. Getting up late and lounging is what is keeping me happy today. But I was just surfing the net clicking here… …more

Happy Woden’s Day

Yes finally it is a post. I know I went all the way ‘til Wednesday without providing something for your reading pleasure. I have been busy. I usually write my posts during the day at work. There are slow points and I make myself busy by writing most of the stuff I post. I… …more

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As I have mentioned before, my mind has a tendency to wonder. I don’t know why and it is simply uncontrollable. It goes all over the place and when I reach the end of the ride I have no idea how I got there. My mind could start on I’m thirsty and end on what… […]


Not long ago, just after Christmas actually, I heard a little tidbit on the radio that the last manufacturer of VHS tapes had sent out its last shipment. The VHS is officially dead. It has been going the way of the dodo for many years now but has managed to hold on to those last… […]

No I’m Not Drunk…Yet

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, or if you like St Paddy’s Day, a holiday that is celebrated all over the world not just by the Irish. SoI thought it would be good to share some facts and info about this day associated with drunkenness, shamrocks, and shenanigans. St. Patrick is the patron saint of… …more

Happy Septaquintaquinquecentennial!

In celebration of Toronto’s 175th birthday I have decided to share some facts about this city. It’s a great place and I spend a lot of time there. I am saying this like I live far away. I am like 20 minutes (on a good day) from the downtown core. …more

It makes the world go ’round

I haven’t taught you guys anything in a while so because of the current economic turmoil I thought I would teach you a little something about money. Pay your taxes You know the phrase “Pay through the nose”? I think it is a little misleading. It really should be “Pay with the nose”… …more